Wednesday, September 11, 2013

URL Basics 101 - Database Access 101

For those who  need a refresher n URL's, here are the basics of URL's, database access and the new "geolocation" URL movement.   

For every database there may be multiple access portals. 
For every database there are multiple access scenarios:
  • URL for generic access   [Ex. - These usually prompt you for a password
  • Embedded URL’s  - sometimes are embedded with a “location” code
  • Embedded URL’s  -  sometimes with a “username and password”  (not all vendors offer this approach as anyone from your website would in theory be able to "enter" with the username and password embedded URL.  These URL's are supposed to be hidden behind a password-protected page. 
  • Now there are also, "Geolocation URL's  (Gale and EBSCO are moving to those for NOVEL products). A Geo location URL works like "caller ID" and the vendor knows who you are, or that you are from "NY" and will allow the NOVELny Products. 
  • URL's that point to a "family" of products, often called a "host URL" - such as 
  • Product  specific URL's that have the specific database pointer so that you only get a specific product within the "family"  (examples below) or, a specific “group” of products within the family – see these Grolier examples:

o = Amazing Animals (
 (However, upon clicking the URL may  “redirect” )
o = New Book of Knowledge (
o  = multimedia encyclopedia (
o  = Encyclopedia Americana (
o  =  America the Beautiful  ( 
o = Lands and Peoples ( 
o  = New Book of Popular Science ( 
o   For Elementary School:
o   For Middle Schools:
o   For High School:
o   For Adult Patrons:
o   For Librarians/Educators:
o   For GO Kids:
o   For GO Passport:

IP addresses which also work as authentication rather than a username and password.  This approach works within the building, but remotely students need “usernames and passwords” to get in.   This IP authentication works like “caller ID”  Where they know who you are and what you are calling for…so they let you in to the “products” to which you subscribe. 

NOVEL NY  Changes - URL's and access: 

In May the state announced they were eliminating Searchasaurus.  (We communicated this multiple times and sent around usage statistics to every district so assess whether they would like to order this.)   There was some question about the alternative elementary products provided by NOVEL.  Here are the two “new” elementary products now provided via NOVEL:

Proquest product:

GALE products:  
 These images can be used: 


The geo-location ID's are ready for GALE and Proquest NOVEL products.Visit the NOVELNY URL geo location page: 

Choose:  Direct Database URL's link.

CAVEAT:  I had to search this NOVEL geolocation generator twice:

  • Once with the "nysl_ca_wswhes"  (substituting your letter code for wswhe,) and 
  • Once with just "wswhe"  

For Proquest URL's you will need to place in only the "letters" within your ID such as wswhes  - and then search the list for your Proquest URL. You can generate your NOVEL Geolocation access URL's for either a general host address (all products)  or the "power search" URL.  

When I went to this page, I searched the list (via a Control +F) for "washington"  and then scrolled the list until I came across my URL:  

Knowing this geolocation access URL (sample above), I can now substitute any product code for the ELIBE  and get a direct access URL for Gale products. (See examples below)   

Go to the other URL generator to find the "product" acronym substitution for the specific product you want.  
This way you will have a direct access URL via Geolocation!    

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